Cover anything in frosting and someone out there will eat it.


Revolutionary Philosophy

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 by Detuned

This is where I would put it, if I had any, but unfortunately I've slept six hours a night or less for the past few days and at this time of night I'm not about to rock any preconceptions, as much as I would like to. So, in lieu of anything really substantial I have just a few things to say.

My laptop doesn't work very well at all when on an uneven or moving surface. It kind of defeats half of its purpose, though it is still more portable than a desktop, and I can never really put it on my lap, seeing as divine geometry rarely includes right angles and flat surfaces. I would say it's more of a floor-top, or a countertop.

I have a weird attraction to small, spherical objects. When I was a kid I kept buying marbles, even though my generation has forgetten entirely how the game of marbles is played. They're in a green lunchbox somewhere in my room now, if they're here at all. I also have: round magnets
bouncy balls
a spherical electronic puzzle game that I forgot how to turn on
and a head, which is a close enough approximation of a circle to serve the purposes of this tiny list.

I have more wearable pairs of shoes than I have ever had at any other time, amounting to a grand total of four.

Tape measures are possibly the most fun toys ever made, though they aren't intended to be used as such.

My windows don't have any blinds.

I have nothing more to say, so I shall take my shoes and go.

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